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The 2024 Holiday Housewalk – Jennifer Rizzo

Welcome to The 2024 Holiday Housewalk! This year are doing it a little differently. We have a slightly more cozy tour this year and all of the homes are  featured just today. I know in the past we’ve done a full week. I was torn between continuing the tour or wrapping it up after almost 13 years. I decided to keep going with a smaller scale since it’s such an amazing part of the holiday season! I hope you enjoy all of the homes featured this year! And of course, you can always visit all of the years past in the menu! We’ll kick off this years holiday housewalk with my own home.

Welcome to my home! to start the housewalk!

The next home we are headed to is Finding Silver Pennies. I love Danielle’s New England style and how adorable is that truck?!



Julia at Cuckook4 Design brings in a traditional, fun and classic holiday look.

I always love visiting Melaine’s home at My Sweet Savannah! She has the most amazing home and I am excited to see all of the custom touches she brings to her Christmas decor! This train is adorable under the tree!

We had over to Kristin’s home at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia. I love her classic and traditional style and how warm and cozy her home is.

Jen at City Farmhouse has a fun style she calls “The Coastal Niece”. I think it’s so clever and I adore the handmade and clever touches she brings to her holiday decor.



And finally over at Jennifer’s at Clean and Scentsible, her holiday cheer is fun and merry!

Thank you so much for taking these home tours with us! It’s bee a pleasure to bring this housewalk to you year after year and I am so appreciative of everyone who still is participating!

Happy holidays!

Need more holiday inpsiration? Take last year’s housewalk here.






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