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Life, Lately: A Cozy Holiday at Home & A New Year Getaway

Happy New Year, friends! Is it too late to say that? It’s been a minute since I last popped in here, and I didn’t want to jump straight back into regular content without first wishing you a beautiful start to 2025 and sharing a bit of life lately.

{above: Mount Baker, Washington}

We spent Christmas cozied up at home, soaking in all the little moments that make the season special; my daughter’s excitement over Santa, slow mornings in pyjamas, and more than our fair share of cheese & chocolate. After the holiday, we snuck away with our family to visit my sister in Vancouver, followed by a Mount Baker New Year getaway in Washington. The mountains and surrounding area were breathtaking; healing, even. A truly wonderful way to ring in the new year.

{all things cozy & warm}

The trip was exactly what we needed to reset and recalibrate. Visiting my sister, a few days in the mountains, hiking, and what can only be described as nature on steroids has left me feeling more grounded and hopeful for what’s ahead.

I hope your holidays were everything you needed. Here’s to a joyful, magical 2025! And here’s a peek at the last few weeks, in photos.

ps: more travel & personal posts here

{my winter uniform}

{holiday lunches}

{learning to skate}

{cluny’s viral smore’s hot chocolate}

{Christmas morning breakfast for my 4 year old}

{hiking in Vancouver}

{ reunited with my sister <3}

{ x2}

{Mount-Baker bound}

{the views from our cabin}


{the family cabin we rented in the foothills of the mountain – 10/10}

{nature on steroids}

{from this to this in 20 mins}

{ slow mornings >>>}

{filled with cheese <3}

{& ice cream (the bessssst)}

{10/10 – the best boots that got me through it all – wind, rain, snow… comfy, light weight, warm. Perfect.}


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